Becky Bliss: Statement
Handshake 2024
Both New Zealand and Australian colonialism saw large-scale land confiscation, displaced indigenous peoples, loss of cultural identity and erosion of traditional practices.
Displacement is associated with climate change as well as forced migration due to conflicts etc. In the Pacific the Maldives, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and the Marshall Islands are currently most at threat with around 4mm of sea rise annually and the populations in these countries will be forced to migrate. Tuvali already has a planned exit strategy.
Changing weather, water levels and heat are forcing migration in many towns and communities in New Zealand and around the world.
I am using the Lego block as a symbol for displacement by moving and deleting the studs.
LEGO is a collaborative game. It’s name comes from the Danish phrase leg godt (“play well”). Now more than ever we need to play well together.
Group Exhibition
67206 Days, 2276 Full Moons
April 10-May 4, 2024