Metamorphosis and mutants, recovering value in the devalued, and finding comfort through building a place to belong are concepts that are prominently featured in my wearable work and in how I choose to live my life. Many of my works include soft textures and vibrant color. These are powerful ways of creating a spectacle, allowing the wearer to step into my place in this world. My strange adornments use materials and forms that are familiar to the general public, creating an accessible point of departure to understand the work. Many of my objects have both obvious and mutated forms that allude to a creature, or maybe even a sidekick or friend. I use both humor and irony in my pieces and I strive for my works to create a push-pull feeling between the viewer and the objects. My current work demonstrates how our experiences can consume and change us into something that we never knew we could be.

Rachel Timmins
Anthony - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
5 x 4 x 4 cm

Rachel Timmins
Anne - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
3.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 cm

Rachel Timmins
Agatha - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
4.5 x 4 x 4 cm

Rachel Timmins
Dan - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
5 x 4 x 4 cm

Rachel Timmins
Evan - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
4 x 3 x 3 cm

Rachel Timmins
Robert - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
5.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm

Rachel Timmins
Jeff - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
5 x 4 x 4 cm

Rachel Timmins
Matt - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
4 x 2 x 3 cm

Rachel Timmins
Juan - Squeaker series, 2014
Spandex, powder coated brass, stainless steel, polyester stuffing, thread, squeaker
3.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 cm

Rachel Timmins
Stanley Street Gallery Rachel Timmins - Unexpected Companions - Squeaker series, 2017

Rachel Timmins
Stress Relief #2
Vinyl, flax seeds, thread, powder coated aluminium
25cm wearable length

Rachel Timmins
Ellipse Necklace 1
3D printed nylon, paint, ink, clear coating, flocking
26cm wearable length

Rachel Timmins
Stress Relief #1
Vinyl, flax seeds, thread, powder coated aluminium
20cm wearable length

Rachel Timmins
Minnie Woosley
Spandex, Styrofoam, tissue lamé
dimensions variable

Rachel Timmins
Pretty Peachy Necklace - Squeaker series
Rachel Timmins: Artist Statement & Bio
Metamorphosis and mutants, recovering value in the devalued, and finding comfort through building a place to belong are concepts that are prominently featured in my wearable work and in how I choose to live my life. Many of my works include soft textures and vibrant color. These are powerful ways of creating a spectacle, allowing the wearer to step into my place in this world. My strange adornments use materials and forms that are familiar to the general public, creating an accessible point of departure to understand the work. Many of my objects have both obvious and mutated forms that allude to a creature, or maybe even a sidekick or friend. I use both humor and irony in my pieces and I strive for my works to create a push-pull feeling between the viewer and the objects. My current work demonstrates how our experiences can consume and change us into something that we never knew we could be.
Rachel Timmins earned her MFA in Studio Art (Metals + Jewelry Concentration) at Towson University in December 2012 and her BFA from Buffalo State College in 2009. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, both nationally and internationally, in venues such as the National Gallery of Victoria, Snyderman-Works Gallery, the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, the Design Museum London and the Baltimore Museum of Art. Rachel’s work can be seen in many publications such as Unexpected Pleasures published by Rizzoli Publications, Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective published by Lark Books, and Jewel Book: International Annual of Contemporary Jewel Art published by Stitchting Kunst Boek. She can be found lecturing on her work and other related topics as well as giving workshops around the United States at various educational institutions.
Rachel is currently working as a residential counselor at an inpatient facility for individuals with mental health disorders, a community aide for Baltimore City Council, a MSW candidate at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and working on public art projects. When Rachel isn't working, she can be found cooking vegan delights and spending time with her fiancé, cats and her Pug, Henry.
Rachel Timmins
Unexpected Companions
October 3-28, 2017